Thursday, October 1, 2009

Watching God Work/Pastor Isaac Update

Greeting Prayer Warriors!!!!

Pastor Isaac had the biopsy and should be coming home tomorrow. Please continue to bathe him and the family in prayer.

I'm here back in my room in Delhi. Came home on the train (love riding the trains here) and one of our famous rickshaw taxi's that while somewhat dangerous are an absolute blast to ride in. FYI, the train station there was even pink!

Two prayer requests:

Camp at Faith starts at 8:30 (6 hours from now) Please really bathe the team in prayer as we enter into this new area of ministry. We are all very excited. Of course God made it interesting; due to some of the team having to leave early to help out here, we were never able to meet during the retreat and will be flying by the seat of our pants. Love doing that, we have some great team members and it's going to be incredible. Pray for open hearts, the counseling teams, teachers, workers and especially the children. Camp is 2 days, Friday and Saturday, 8 hours a day. Please really pray; there is incredible potential here. Great opportunities.

In 6.5 hours there will be a Couples Seminar here with our good friends from WH sharing. Please really pray for them and for those that are attending. These guys are absolutely incredible. Saturday there will be a ladies retreat here while we do our camp. Please bathe, Rose Marie and company in prayer as they minister.

The retreat I just returned from was just incredible. Bob, Rose Marie and company are such Godly people, great role models for all of us with tremendous wisdom and love for the Lord. Their Passion and love is very contagious.

Everyone went away richly and deeply blessed. With a deeper understanding and love for the Lord.

One personal testimony. While I never sat in any if the sessions (teaching the kids) the Lord used the team to minster to my heart in a very special way.

I have been really praying for a deeper and more passionate walk with God. The Lord used these guys/gals to bring me into a much deeper relationship with God than I've ever had before Just hanging out with them and seeing their passion and love for my dear brothers and sisters here just touched my heart in a way I can't really describe. Thanks Bob it is a great honor and privilege to be able to call you friend.

If your wondering about the weather here; it's hot; a true "Indian Summer" but only in the nineties,

You know, something incredible is starting here; a fire is igniting, and the flames of the gospel are spreading like wildfire.

David, your so right, "it only takes a spark to get sa fire going" PUSH brother, PUSH!

There is a lot more that will be shared at a later date. Please really bathe all of us here in prayer.

Pray too for our Word Fest starting Tuesday here while we do our camps in another school.

One last request. Pray for a possible early November trip going and training children's workers and ministering to children. Pray for the Lord to allow this. It'll take a miracle but won't be the first!

Thank you for your prayers.
Until Every Child Knows
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

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