Friday, December 3, 2010

Examining the Village of Hope Model of Ministry

Examining the Village of Hope Model of Ministry

My name is Jim Kramer, 59+ years old, and for 34+ years I’ve had the privilege of working extensively in missions focusing mainly on children and teen ministries here in the US through my local church, the inner cities, Appalachia and in 22 countries. In the last couple of decades, that focus has been directed at caring for handicapped and at risk children primarily orphans. I make no claims on being an expert in orphan care ministry. What is written below is simply from the heart, making an honest attempt to share my observations and feelings about the ministry at the Village of Hope. It is also in no way meant to be the final say in orphan care work and/or ministry. Simply something from my heart about the work God has led Ben and Kathleen to start in Zambia.

In the world today, we are looking at, depending who you talk to, between 143,000,000 and 176,000,000 orphans. They are by far the fastest growing, most vulnerable, and most neglected people group in the world today. There needs to be radical thinking and new models of ministry if we hope to make a significant impact for Christ with these precious children.

In many government run orphanages around the world, we see the children aging out at 16-18 years of age and as many as 90% ending up in prison, drugs, and prostitution within a year. This is roughly the same statistic for children in foster care in America.

As we look at the Orphan Care Ladder you will notice Orphanage Care and Adoption on different rungs of the ladder. There really is not a rung there for what we see at the Village of Hope. I would place the Village of Hope model of ministry on a rung called Permanent Care, as there is no plan to adopt these children out or for them to age out. They are family. 

Village of Hope in Zambia is a part of a new wave of ministry that God is using and has the potential to make a real impact in orphan care ministry throughout the world, going beyond Orphan Care; yet by doing so, making Orphan Care more effective and far reaching.

Let’s step back and look at Orphan Care, the three main emphases being:

• Local, National, and International Adoption.

• Orphanages where the goal is for the children to be adopted.

• Orphan Care facilities where orphans are taken in and raised with no goal of adopting them out.

Each of these models of ministry is desperately needed, effective, and important tools for making sharing the love of Jesus with these precious children. Every Church and Christian needs to be involved in Orphan Care as mandated in James 1:27.

What we will be examining today is the third model in which the Village of Hope fits-- taking children in with no goal of adopting them out.

What is it that makes the Village of Hope model of Orphan Care Ministry so effective?

First off, it is a Holistic Ministry; going beyond basic care and education for the children but with very deep roots in the community. The children are being raised as Africans integrated in African culture but with one major difference, they are being raised as strong African Christians, saturated with the love of Jesus and deeply rooted in His Word. They are being trained as leaders and role models for their nation and beyond. The potential here is beyond anything we could ever imagine. These children are our future leaders in Africa.

Our Ministry is to the Orphans, why get involved in the community?

They too need Jesus, is the easy answer. This is where the children grow up, where most likely many will be living as they grow older. God is using the village to impact the entire area with the love of Jesus. As a result of their Hope Club, where many of the children help minister now, as many as 130 children come from the neighboring village, and on Sundays there can be as many as 100+ children at church.

A personal note, I’ve always believed a very effective way to plant a church is to start a children’s ministry. If you minister to adults, they will drag the children to church with them, but if you are ministering to the children, the parents will gladly come to see why their children are be so loved.

How is God using the Village to minister to adults in the Community?

One way is as they develop small micro businesses and partnerships with local businesses and villages. The Village is becoming self-sufficient and providing jobs and income for locals, where before there was no work, today small businesses are being started. There is training in farming and construction and lives are being changed as many, for the first time, are receiving pay checks and, more importantly, for the first time are hearing about Jesus. One great example of that is the Chimwemwe (Happy) Ladies Ministry, where as the ladies make bags, necklaces, etc., they are studying the Word of God.

Again, this is Orphan Care - why get involved in the community and why businesses?

Each day after school the children ages 9 and up go and work 2 hours in one of the businesses, farm, etc. creating a work ethic and giving them business skills. As they grow older, these businesses will provide a livelihood for those who stay in the area or with the skills taught them, the children can start their own businesses.

These businesses are also helping the Village of Hope to be self-sufficient as they grow their own food, raise chickens and beef, supplying them with good nutritious food, providing jobs for those in neighboring villages, and income to support the Village as they sell produce and meat to local markets. It just makes good sense, giving the children every opportunity to succeed both spiritually and in everyday life as they are given the tools, confidence, and opportunity to make a difference
Why not give money/funds to needy folks in the local villages instead of pouring all these dollars into caring for these children?

Our goal should always be to share the love of Jesus first; life on earth is only for a season followed by eternity. It is very easy to lose that focus and focus on trying to make life “better” for folks now, especially as we see so much suffering and pain in front of us. We must always remember that while we are to follow God’s command to minister to the poor, our primary goal is always to be His Hands and Feet, loving them as He did us. We must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves doing all we can to help, letting them “see the Gospel” as we gently wash their feet with His love.

What better way to minister to folks in the local Villages is there then to train our children up in the way that is right and send them out to share His love with those around them, sharing His love to all they meet? Thus adding another dimension to Orphan Care; using the children to share His love, training them at an early age to minister and serve with joy, striving towards the goal of setting Zambia, Africa and the world on fire for Jesus. Using what Satan meant for evil to share the love of Jesus in the most effective way possible. Again keeping our eyes focused on the goal of bringing folks to Jesus, making that our primary focus in all we do.

How can God use this one Village model to make a difference in Orphan Care around the world?

What God has led Ben and Kathleen to do can be duplicated in other areas. Plans are now being made for two more Villages of Hope in Zambia.

The Village of Hope is openly Christian. There is a sad tendency in ministry today to hide what we are about to try to get funding through various foundations. In James, God commands us not to look to the rich. We need to pay careful attention to that command. Piles of money coming in are not necessarily God’s best for a ministry. God doesn’t need our help, but commands our obedience. Could it be the reason for the current economic problems in America is because God’s people have chosen to use the great wealth He has given us on ourselves, buying nicer homes, setting up retirement funds, etc., instead of using it to further His Kingdom, refusing to give a cup of cold water to those who need it?

The Village of Hope Model of Ministry looks to God, not man. Just as George Mueller did praying and trusting God and God alone. Village of Hope is a “Daily Manna Walk”, as Ben calls it. When you take those kinds of steps of faith, God allows us to trust Him even more and walk ever deeper steps of Faith. This type of ministry can be scary as we have to depend on God for leading and provision instead of our wallets and abilities. We need to always remember that without Faith, it is impossible to please God, and that with the faith of a “mustard seed,” mountains will jump into the sea.

With man this orphan care crisis and this type of ministry is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible.
I firmly believe with all my heart that this model of ministry is of God and pray fervently trusting that He is going to use it to help transform the lives of a million orphans as this model is reproduced and copied in Zambia, Africa and beyond.

Then as these rescued children that have been given this cup of cold water grow and mature in the faith, the Lord will use them, the least of these, to reach out and minister to a lost and hurting world, touching the lives of untold millions with the love of Jesus. God’s ways are not our ways and He uses the weak to confuse the wise.

Please be praying for Ben and Kathleen, All Kids Can Learn International, Villages of Hope Zambia, and for us, the church, to commit to doing all God commands us to do in reaching out to a lost and hurting world with the love of Jesus.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our Missions Honeymoon Adventure in Zambia

"Sunbow" God's Special Blessing

Our Missions Honeymoon  Adventure in Zambia!
Go God Go!
Thank you for your many prayers as Karen and I begin our Journey together in Faith sharing Jesus with all we meet.

What an awesome God we serve! Our time in Zambia was filled with so many Godincidences and blessing beyond measure. The Sunbow pictured above appeared on our first Saturday there; just before a weekend visit from friends from a local church in Lusaka that came to camp out with us. What a great picture of our Lord's majesty and grace.

The weather was HOT, many days surpassing 100 degrees but it did cool down in the evenings for the most part and we did have a small fan to help circulate the air; at least during the times when we had electricity.

Karen and I arrived on Tuesday the 12th of October as the children all gathered and sang to us, welcoming us to their home. Many tears flowed as our hearts were just about to burst with the joy of being with our children.

Our days were busy and filled with joy as we got up a little before 6 every morning, joining the children in singing and prayer then walking with them up to the school where we  helped sort books, crafts, supplies and etc. for the school and sort books for the book store that had recently opened. While we were there a lady bought almost 800 books form the store! Best sellers are Bibles and Christian books.
In the afternoons, Karen taught cross stitching to the children and sewing. The older girls each picked out material to make jumpers  and Karen taught them how to follow a pattern while I took pictures and showed slide shows of pics taken the day before on the porch for all to see.

Our Delaware Cargo Container!
 The cargo container that our children had prayed full  last June was there on site but we never did any work on it as we had so much to do.  While the container was on site and in good shape, it still had a government seal and had not "officially" cleared customs yet. But Praise God, it is there! Filled with over 5,000 books, 7,500 articles of clothing, 300+ pairs of shoes, and so much more! Thank you Jesus for bringing it safely to our dear friends at the Village. Lord, use the contents to help "give a cold cup of water" to those so desperately in need and to help provide needed funding to feed and minister to our children there.

Time at the school with the children was just as special as it could ever get. Having Matilda bring out her football for a catch, seeing the children all wearing their backpacks we had done with them in July to carry homework back and forth was as special as it gets.

We helped the Hamelyrcks and our children from the Village of Hope at the community center with a special Hope Club Gospel Presentation and Gospel Airplane craft by Karen that around 130 children from Green Farm came to. What a blessing as after the lesson many raised their hands to thank us for sharing Jesus with them. Thank you Jesus for all you are doing; continue to open eyes and give us many more opportunities to share your love here. Keep us focused on what is truly important and not on the things of this world.

 The one worship service we attended at Hope Church, our first as husband and wife, was a joint service with our good friends from the Lusaka Church with our good friend Pastor Zulu preaching and, of course, our children leading worship. We could just feel the presence of the Lord as we stood and sang praises to our Lord. We even met Matilda's younger sister who came for the very first time!

 There is so much more we could share, it was as blessed and special a trip as we could have ever dreamed of. Karen shared on the way home that she couldn't dream of a better way to start our marriage than to go and minister with our dear friends at the Village of Hope in Zambia

 Thank you again for all your many and continued fervent prayer as Karen and I go forward in faith, looking to Jesus and excited to see where He leads us next as we seek to share His love with children and teens here in the States and throughout the world.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim and Karen
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wedding and Missions Honeymoon Godincidences!

Greetings Saints!!!

Thursday night was our wedding rehearsal and in less than 24 hours Karen and I would be exchanging vows of Holy Matrimony. WOW! Utterly amazing! Thank you Jesus.

As the time grows near for our Wedding and Missions Honeymoon Trip to our Village of Hope in Zambia, we just wanted to take this opportunity to share just a few of the things the Lord has been doing as we prepare for this Great and Exciting Adventure looking to Jesus as He directs our paths.

Let's start with some of the special Godincidences in putting together our Wedding. The other day while listening to Kay Warren singing "How Beautiful" I was praying, Lord this needs to be in the service but it just didn't fit. Then our pianist, Stephanie Merkel called and asked if we had considered the idea of Karen coming down the aisle to Kay singing? Yes, that's it! Thank you Jesus!! Steph you are just awesome! There is no better song to walk down the aisle to than Kay singing "How Beautiful".

Kay is one of my heroes, during her short time her on earth she was determined to shine brightly for Jesus. Today, Kay's Kamp's, the first ever oncology camp for children was held in Delaware. You can go to to read more about this precious young lady and hero of the faith. FYI, I am the self-appointed international rep for Kay's Kamps.

You can also listen to Kay sing How Beautiful and to our opening hymn In Christ Alone as you watch this very special video of our recent visit to the Village of Hope;

God has worked it out as only He can, so that Justine Lampkins will be singing a special wedding song and the Praise Dancers from Mt Zion will also be doing a special number both written by Justine's brother Phil Nicholas as Pastors Bill, Bob and Ralph lead us through the ceremony and to make it extra special, three of our special teens will be leading worship; Stephanie Merkel will be playing the piano for us and Mike Metzing and Steph Merkel will be singing Friends with Rachel playing the piano. All three have been to Appalachia with us and Steph has also be to India. We are so blessed to have them in our wedding.

God has done so many neat things but let's move onto our Missions Honeymoon to Zambia.

The cargo container has arrived!!!! We had prayed it would get there when the team did, little did we know at that time there would be a second team! Karen and I will have the Holy Privilege of opening it and starting the fun part of distributing the precious love gifts inside as we sort through our "Totes of Love". Thank you Jesus.

Our bags are packed jammed with supplies and all kinds of special items needed for ministry there including some special cross stitch items that Karen will be using to teach our kids how to cross stitch and patterns and etc for the House Mothers to make jumpers with for the girls. And special gifts for the house moms and Aunties from Karen.

We also plan to visit the Hamelyrcks in Kabwe while we are there to check out the new ministry the Lord has directed them to with the strong focus on handicapped children and orphans.

Just found out October is an anniversary month for our Village of Hope,

Village of Hope it would be October.

• It was in October that 5 years ago Benedict and Kamau made their first trip to Zambia, and during that visit met Pastor Emmanuel.

• It was in October 4 years ago that the Kamau family moved to Zambia. The first houses were being built.

• It was in October 3 years ago that our first children arrived; Adam, Moses, Brighton, Isaac, and John.

This October Karen and I will be the first Honeymoon Missions team. Go God Go!

In 24 hours we get married and in 36.5 hours Mr. and Mrs. James Kramer Jr. leave for the airport to fly to Zambia.

Please really be praying for:
  • A great day Sunday as we say of vows of Matrimony
  • Safety as we travel
  • All our luggage to make it through with us
  • No problems with customs; we are scheduled to arrive 8:30 Am Tuesday EST.
  • Safety travel in Zambia and protection from animals, insects and disease
  • That we would be a blessing and encouragement to the missionaries and workers there
  • Special times of ministry with the children both in the Village of Hope and outside the Village
  • Special opportunities for Karen to minister
  • Us to accomplish a lot as we work in the container and that one of the pianos would be freed to take to the school
  • The weather to cool, will be 100 when we land there Tuesday, "Unseasonably hot".
  • That our life together would be glorifying to God and we would live radically for and shine brightly for Jesus as we seek to share His love here and around the world.
All for now folks. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

Shine brightly for Jesus.

We can't wait to see what God does next!!!

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim and Karen
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Friday, September 24, 2010

Beginning Life Together in Zambia

Beginning Life Together in Zambia

Karen and I would really covet your prayers as we begin married life together seeking to use every opportunity we can to share the love of Jesus with children especially both here and around the world.
After much prayer, we believe the Lord is calling us to start married life together ministering to our Matilda and our children at the Village of Hope in Zambia.

On Oct. 11th, we will be traveling to the Village of Hope in Zambia, looking to do Kidz Klubs Programs with the Hope Club, ministering at the School and to the children in the Village and helping in a new work in Kabwe about 40 minutes away, where the Village of Hope is partnering with the Hamelyrcks, as they minister to handicapped children/orphans.

Oh and there is this cargo container that had been delayed from a place called Delaware, so we’ll be helping with that also and taking many pictures.

Please really pray for us as we seek to go and encourage our brothers and sisters there in Zambia and share the love of Jesus with all we meet.
• Pray for traveling safety and for all luggage to arrive with us and for flights to be on time

• No problems with customs

• Many opportunities to share the Gospel

• We would stay healthy and my leg would not cause problems

• We would be an encouragement to the missionaries there

• Hottest time of year with most “varmints” around, pray for safety

• Safe return on the 23rd and no lingering illnesses as we begin life together here in the States.

• Wisdom as we seek more opportunities to minster to children and orphans here and around the world. (Papua New Guinea too!)

Thank you so much for all your encouragement and prayers, God has blessed so richly and we can’t wait to see what He does next!

Keep shining for Jesus all.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim and Karen
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our Wedding

Our Wedding Day

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

On October 10, 2010 (10/10/10) at 3 PM, Karen Madonna and I (Jim Kramer) are getting married at Bible Fellowship Church Newark. Those of you that will be in the area, we would ask the honor of your presence on this very special day of celebration as we exchange vows of Holy Matrimony seeking to spend the rest of our lives together glorifying God as we minister to children and teens in this area and to children throughout the world.

There will not be a formal reception after; however, there will be a time of fellowship with light refreshments after the ceremony here at the church. Please plan to come and stay joining Karen and I in fellowship as we begin married life together.

We are asking that our Junior High (CORE) and Senior High (SNL) be our wedding photographers as we celebrate this joyous occasion.

Since our goal is to Glorify God in all we do and we already have a house, Karen and I would ask that those who desire to give a gift would prayerfully consider giving a love gift instead to one of the Orphan Care/At Risk Children’s Ministries we support. Nothing would give us greater joy than to see these ministries richly blessed through your gifts of love as we join together in marriage and ministry.

The ministries we feel God leading us to target are:

• Children’s Village Ministry Papua New Guinea (Bill & Lori Smith)

• Maggie Lampkins Institute in Liberia

• Sarah’s Kidz in India (DBI Partnership)

• Village of Hope in Zambia (All Kids Can Learn International)

• Youth for Christ Wilmington Outreach (Ralph & Justine Lampkins)

Checks can be written to BFCN with note designating one or more of the above ministries. If unable to come but desire to bless one of these ministries, you can send love gifts to Bible Fellowship Church, 808 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, De 19701 and the church will make sure it is given to the proper ministries.

We can’t wait to see what God does next!

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim and Karen (soon to be) Kramer
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Friday, August 6, 2010

Watching God Work in Zambia 1

Greetings Prayer Warriors Around the World!!!!!

Thank you so much for all your prayers!! We are now back in the US and getting settled back in as we adapt to life here in the States.

 This pic is of the team with the children the day they did a special program for us,

 and one of my Finace' Karen wearing a special dress & necklace that Kimberly Kamau had very graciously helped me to pick out for her while at the market in Lusaka. Kimberly looked at Karen's picture and picked out the perfect size for her. Thanks again Kimberly for all your help; makes a nice wedding dress.

As we start to share today about the trip and some of the things God did while we were there, I'd like to first introduce you to the very special folks that we worked in at the Village of Hope and share a few prayer requests that they have followed by some personal observations of changes that I've seen from last years visit to this year.
There are three families living at the Village of Hope below are some prayer requests from each:

  • Ben and Kathleen Schwartz, Ben, modern day Heorge Mueller, is the founder & director of the ministry here. At 61 stood in the corner of this property and claimed it for God; Dream big dreams folks, our God is big enough to do it! Kathleen is in charge of hospitality, worship at the church, of course the school & so much more. Ben has asked for prayer for folks to help support the children. They currently have 42 children living at the Village with 16 more looking to join them in September. At this point 21 of the children are being sponsored and the rest of the support is being taken from other sources to provide for them. It costs them roughly $108 a month to feed, clothe and educate each child. Great family, small group, Sunday School & etc cup of cold water project.They have also asked for prayer as they interview and hire more teachers for Hope School.

Special Note: Ben, Kathleen, daughter Sena & honorary daughter, Isha (from Zimbabwe) will be in the States in Nov/Dec. Ben does have a few Sundays open if you would want him to come and share at your church/fellowship & etc. let me know and I'll put you in contact with them.

 Also, on Nov.7, National Orphan Care Sunday, they will be at my home church, Bible Fellowship Church Newark, sharing and Kathleen & the girls will be sharing at my Kidz Klubs that morning.
  • Francis and Kimberly Kamau, in charge of the ministry at the Village, outreach & so much more. Kamau has asked for prayer for wisdom as they look to hire 2 more house mothers. Last year they had to let two go and that can really be traumatic for the children. Kimberly has asked for prayer that the Lord would make it clear to her, the older children that He would have her set aside and start more intensely disciplining & training to teach. Kamau (Francis) plans to start taking the children to near by villages & giving them the opportunity to share what Jesus has done in their lives.

  • Paul and Ann Rachel Hamelryck, Paul is in charge of construction at the Village, Ann Rachel runs the outreach to our children at Green Farm, some basic medical outreach and also makes sure all the children have clothes and shoes, they also lead an adult Bible Study with the Zim Farmers & are involved in a local outreach program to handicapped children. One big thing they have asked for prayer for is that the Lord would provide sets of laminated posters/cards with pictures showing basic methods to treat burns. Folks there tend to put manure in the wounds causing major infections and etc. Also have great need for gauze pads, tape & ointment to treat the burns. Great project for small groups families and etc. They also ask for prayer for their daughter, Gabrielle, who will be returning to the States in a few weeks to begin her sophomore year at Messiah College & for their daughter, Page, who will be coming back in Feb, for another heart check-up.

One prayer request all the missionaries shared was a request for wisdom as they children start to get older; how to separate the boys and girls without causing too much trauma. Today the set-up is three bedroom cottages, boys in one, girls in one with the house mother in the third room. They have a plan but are really seeking God's direction on the way He would have them to do this.
Some observed changes since last year:
  • Last year we were burning off the land to build the school, this year the school is open!
  • Last year Hope Church started, just children from Village; today average attendance of children around 100 as children from the Village at Green Farm walk almost 2 miles to come to church, many carrying baby brothers and sisters on their backs.
  • Today there is another cottage finished, another started and the infirmary being finished, not to mention the restaurant opened and children house.
  • Last year 25 children lived in the Village, this year 42 with as many as 16 more due to arrive in September.
  • Last year Matilda was barely able to get around, today she goes everywhere with her walker and now has a new wheelchair and walker! Thank you Jesus! (Video of both on my Facebook page, along with Matilda praying for us)
  • Last year children being discipled, this year looking at children going out to disciple, " to whom much is given, much is expected" if only we would catch the vision here in the States of allowing and encouraging our children to share His love. (Our oldest in the Village is Paul 13, told me that some day he would be teaching and I would be helping him. Can't wait!)
  • Last year Green Farm outreach started, now every Wednesday the children walk to the community center/church where we do Hope Club, last week had 120+ children walk to join us and hear the good news of Jesus. As we talked about the Fruit of the Spirit, a few of the children from our Village of Hope taught them to sing the verse, a song that they had just themselves learned that Kimberly had written.
  • Last year children led worship, this year there are three worship teams that take turns leading and picking the songs.
So much more, I could share, to God be the glory, great things He is doing.

The next update we'll share some of the neat Godincidences that we saw and some of our team adventures with wild dogs, snakes and very large spiders; did I mention the lion that took an interest in little Katie Meredith?

Have a great day with Jesus all; use everything that comes your way as an opportunity to shine brightly for Him.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Last minute Zambia Needs

If anyone has any of the items below to donate for our children there, please contact me.

From Kathleen at the Village of Hope

In about a week you will be on your way to Zambia. As is usually the case, we need some things, and forgive me if I have mentioned them before. Also forgive this last minute notice. I have been extremely busy with teaching and the current volunteers here. If any one can bring these, we would be very appreciative.

Red pens for teachers to mark papers

Candles (and don’t forget flashlights. Electricity goes off many evenings.)

If anyone has a digital camera(s) they aren’t using, we could sure use it for school. It doesn’t have to be fancy or have lots of features. It is for teachers to take simple pictures on the projects we are working on.

I have a whole lot of hanging file folders, like you put in file drawers. What I need are those plastic things that slip into the top to make tabs so that you know what is in the file. They often come with little pieces of heavy weight paper that fit into the plastic tabs. Staples probably has them.

At our EC meeting today, we were discussing our boutique. This may be a difficult thing to find and maybe expensive. We could use a little machine like used clothing stores use, like Goodwill, to put prices on clothes. It has a piece of plastic that actually goes through the clothes with the price on one side. If anyone is able to get that with a whole bunch of the price tag things, that would be great.

On a personal note, if anyone is in Walmart in the magazine section, if you could get me a word puzzle variety magazine. They usually have all kinds of different word puzzles in them. Thanks!

Reminder, if anyone has old picture calendars, the Chimwemwe Ladies could use them.

I think I asked for this before, but pencils erasers, and individual pencil sharpeners. They often come in a bunch.

At our Dollar Store in Aberdeen they have a section of supplies for teachers. They have this “tape” with the alphabet – 36 alphabets in a little carton. They could be put on a desk or the top of a notebook since they have a sticky backing. I got some when I was home last but it is for cursive. So if anyone is in the Dollar Store and sees them for printing not cursive, that would be great. One pack would do it for now.

Ann Rachel asked if anyone could get some tools for “tooling” – paper curling. It would be great to have for the ladies making the beads. They are probably at JoAnn’s or Michael’s. Depending on the price we cold use 10-15 of them.

Sena put in a request for those little packets for making drinks with bottled water. So if anyone is able to get those it would be great.

Thank you so, so much. We are looking forward to all of you coming. Kathleen

Monday, June 14, 2010

Loading the Cargo Container for Zambia

Good Morning Saints!

Thank you Jesus! This Saturday June 19th at 11 AM the truck will be arriving at Bible Fellowship Church Newark with our 40x40x8 foot cargo container that we will be loading for our children at the Village of Hope in Zambia and for folks to use in the area and beyond. There will also be a few pallets of supplies for a college and medical hospital there. (Church adress is 808 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, Del 19702. 302-366-8539)

You are all invited to come and see what God has done and is doing! Bring the family and friends as we look in absolute awe at what God has done as our kids and you have prayed.

We are planning to start at 6 AM on Saturday to unload the church garage and have everything out and ready when the truck comes. To quote Russ Meredith, "the garage is at the tipping point!" This is a 2 car garage with a loft and does not include the bikes the folks at Wooden Wheels have reconditioned for us or the pianos. Did I mention the 200+ pairs of shoes Shoes to Share gave us? Over 7,000 items of clothes, over 5,000 books, hundreds of Bibles and so much more.

If you'd like to come to help, please contact Russ Meredith or myself if can with times available. We have 2 hours to load the truck and our goal is to finish by 1 PM.

If can't help still we would love for you to come. bring your families, relatives and friends and be a part of this great celebration of God's wonderful provisions for our children in Zambia.

Come meet our Zambia team!

My dream is for all of us to hold hands and form a circle around the truck after it is loaded to thank God and pray for the contents to make it safely, to pray for our children at the Village and for the two Delaware teams going. It'll be a day to remember and treasure.

What an awesome God we serve!

Our prayer is to need 4 or 5 men to close the doors of the truck!

There are some supplies we can still use youth socks size large, chewable vitamins for the children, 5 gallon buckets, 5 gallon water jugs, men's coveralls, paint brushes, garden hoses, nail, screws, and of course a quality wheelchair for our Matilda. What a sweetheart!

Hope to see you there, as we celebrate this huge blessing from God.

Have a great day with Jesus all as you shine for Him.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Container Godinicdences/Kathleen's Piano/ Shoes off, Holy Ground

Greetings Saints Around the World!!!

Just had to send this out to all of you.

As we wind down on collecting for the container, God is just so amazing. Below are only a few, so many can't list all but a few of the things God has done and is doing. Kathleen! Last Monday I sent you an E-mail asking if you would like a piano; shared had not been offered one or asked for one but felt led to ask you.Your response was it would be great but there were serious concerns about it surviving the trip and the need for tuning at your end. Shared back could possibly crate it but again had no idea where one would come from.

This morning at church one of our members came up and asked me if I'd like a piano for the cargo container, in very good condition! Chills ran down my spine. What an awesome God you are!

Answered yes to that very special Godincidence! Piano music welcome!

After sharing piano story with kids in Sunday School, Tabitha, our children's ministry leader came in with the collection bank for our Matilda from the Village of Hope, as we were passing the bank around shared with Tab the need to crate the piano. Her eyes lit up! Seems she knows someone who does that professionally and is going to ask if he would do that for us! Shared that immediately with the children as we all were in awe.

Have to admit it was hard teaching this morning with the room once again filled to overflowing and sharing the supplies in the garage had grown by at least a third this past week as families, adults, teens and kids came and helped sort clothing, books, school supplies and etc, in awe of what God is doing.

Note, our dream goal was to ship the 10th, because still need funds, not shipped and now a piano and so much more is coming!

Many folks came over to the garage to see all that was there, including a nice sized almost new gas generator and 10 large totes filled with tools that we had gotten the day before. Shared with a few of the deacons was praying the floor in the loft held as we continued to carry totes and boxes up there.

To date, we have over $1,000 worth of totes alone that are and will be filled with supplies, (200+ and many giant Ziploc bags and boxes filled),

We still have a 12 foot trailer of supplies, a motorcycle, medical equipment and etc coming as we watch God work as only He can. Did I mention the 5 foot mechanics tool chest coming loading with tools?

At this point it looks like we will be shipping and loading the cargo container from Bible Fellowship Church, my home church with NO AIR SPACE in the container; waiting to hear from CMTS on that.

In closing have two financial testimonies.

Our Sunday School children last month collected $50 for Matilda, children in a local school plus one love gift from one of our special kids collected $105 for the cargo container coming to $155 to be given to All Kids from our children. Someone matched that amount and then it was matched a second time by someone else.

In other words, using God's Math, explained to our kids this morning that out of the $50 they collected, $155 is being given to Matilda and $310 towards the container. $465 given out of the $50 they collected. Thank you Jesus.

Shared with the children, need around $12,000 to ship our Totes of Love but God already has it for us, just hasn't released it yet holding things up telling us to open us mouths wide so He can fill them and put everything He wants on the container; but when it is time He will provide all needed and do it so that is obviously of Him.

Shoes off please, Kleenex needed. After Sunday School, one of our girls and her mother came up to me. She had a birthday party this past week and had asked everyone to, instead of gifts, give funds or clothes for the cargo container. The daughter handed me $59 and a gift bag of new clothes for our children at the Village. These clothes will be packed separately and given as a special gift there. Know already the $59 is going to be matched. Keyboard getting wet as I share this pure and Holy offering from one of our precious children. (Special note, had no idea this was happening but gave this special young girl one of our very small bags made by our ladies at the village; another Godincidence.

You know, it's really not, but at this point the cargo container and what is being loaded is almost incidental; lives are being changed and only God knows the eternal results as watch God load this container.

So much more to share, but enough for now.

Have a great day with Jesus all! He tells us in His Holy Word that if we have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed we can tell that mountain to move and it will!

Can't think of anything more exciting than seeing those mountains jump into the sea as we see God at work.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Zambia Cargo Container Update

Greetings Saints!

What a beautiful day as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior; Jesus!

Just a few quick FYI's here.

We are finishing up on the collecting for the container but are still taking donations, also can use hands to help sort things. If available to sort please contact me. As far as I know we'll be there every day from Tuesday to Friday 9:30-2:30, but please check first. (By presorting and condensing, we estimate we are freeing up as much as 20% more space for supplies.)

Also welcome to come during these times and we'll be glad to take you to the garage and show you what God is doing. What you will see is not including the 12 foot trailer of supplies coming and the 2 pallets coming form Messiah College for another ministry in Zambia.

One really big need still is technical books, books, Bibles, shoes and as you'll see below even more clothing (18 gallon totes to pack in also). Goal is to fill the container to the doors and have to force them shut. These things are so precious and bless so many want to pack as full as possible.
Bikes can still be dropped at Wooden Wheels. Owner there, Tom, has a passion for missions and has been a huge blessing. Is even considering going with us on a future trip.

Tomorrow as we celebrate Easter, if weather is dry, I'll be taking our Kidz Klubs Kids over to our church garage to see what God is doing as they have prayed.

Please also continue to pray for the funding of the container; still need app. $12,000 and will let you know how God does that!

I should be hearing back from our good friends at CMTS (Christian Missionary Technical Services) about costs and whether it is better to ship from Newark or there in Bernville.

Thank you for your generous gifts and especially for your prayers for our children there in Zambia.

I can't wait to send you pics of the container from Zambia and send reports of the lives changed as a result of you!

Below is an E-mail from All Kids Can Learn about the container; what a joy to be a part of God's Forever Family.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Hey Jim,

Blessings on this Easter weekend. I hope you are taking a moment to enjoy the weather the Lord is giving us right now.

Talking with Benedict during this past week, the importance of our container business has come to the fore. While we are experiencing a time of diminished giving during the beginning of the year, the sale of books and clothing combined with growth in sales of chickens and other food products from our fields is contributing significantly to covering regular costs at Villages of Hope--diesel, payroll, taxes, etc. We have opened a "boutique" for clothing from the containers and set up a "bookstore" in the community center.

Our conclusion is that making clothing available in our local rural area at low prices makes a big difference to lots of people and children living at a subsistence around us.

There is a wonderful project begun by a man named Pastor Joseph and his wife in a town in the north of Zambia on the border with Congo. They began to feed orphans in their town of 20,000 in 1997 on their own. They are not backed by any Zambian or international organizations other than a family from Florida that comes once a year to teach AIDS classes in the local community. They currently raise enough food to feed about 250 orphans daily and to support their school uniforms and fees. Pastor Joseph has been making the 6 hour bus trip to us to take clothes and books on consignment up to their location for sales. He manages to triple the cost of books and clothes from us (If he buys a book from us for $1, he sells it for $3) Since I was there in January he has managed to buy the uniforms and pay the school fees for 8 teenaged orphans for this next year in school at the high school level. These school fees are pretty hefty. At the same time, Pastor Joseph's purchases have contributed about 10 million kwacha to our daily needs.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Delaware container to augment our inventory of clothes in particular right now.

Terry Brandon

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Dear Friends,


I am writing on behalf of Baby, a beautiful 11-year-old girl, born October 8, 1998 and living in Pune, India.  Baby lives in the same orphanage that Riley Vishal, our 8-year-old adopted son, used to live in. Baby has been in this orphanage for most of her life and still awaits her forever family.  She has asked the adoption worker who visits the orphanage to please help her find the family that she longs for.
Baby is very sweet and has a gentle spirit and warmth that radiates when she smiles.  Although born with cerebral palsy, she is healthy and well adjusted.  Baby has moderate developmental delays and some difficulties with balance when she walks – but she is able to walk on her own and to take care of her personal needs.  She attends school and her reports indicate that she continues to make notable progress in areas such as speech, language skills, and writing skills. There is no question that Baby would benefit greatly from the specialized orthopedic and developmental resources that would be available to her in the United States.


One of Baby’s favorite things to do is to help with the younger children in the orphanage and to play with them.  I know that Baby would thrive with the love of a family, but because of her age, the window for her adoption is coming to a close.  If Baby is not adopted soon, she will be placed in a government facility in India and will live out the rest of her life in an institution.
This precious child is full of life and love.  She will be a great blessing and joy for her adoptive family.   Would you please join me in praying for this sweet girl who awaits her family?
Time is of the essence.  If you believe that Baby may be your child and would like more information, please contact
Lisa Adams-Reese at 503-971-7018.
Thank you so much for your prayers for Baby,
Sue Merkel for Baby
‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’                                                                  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Joe Feely Prayer Update

Below are two updates from Pastor Bob Green on Joe, Family needs our prayers.

Dear Praying Partners,

We would like you to join us in praying for some dear friends to many of us at Bible Fellowship Church of Newark.

Joe and Karen Feeley's oldest son, Joe, has been suffering with back pain for some time. He has had a number of tests to determine the cause of his pain. He recently had a scan of his spine and the results came back today showing a form of cancer. They have an appointment with Dr. Martin at the Helen Graham Cancer Center, Thursday morning to determine what type of cancer it is and how advanced the cancer is. Dr. Martin was Kaylyn Warren's doctor.

Joe was a star baseball player during his years at Red Lion Christian Academy and has showed great promise the last two years at Liberty University. Joe is certainly a fighter! But we need the Lord Jesus to fight for him.

Of course keep Joe, Karen and the family in your prayers as well. This was a complete surprise to Joe and Karen and I can't imagine receiving such news about one of your children so unexpectedly.

Thank you for praying for the Feeleys during these days. We will keep you posted. I spoke with Bill Warren and he and Laurie are going to get them set-up with a CaringBridge site. We will pass that information on to you as soon as we receive it.

Thank you, Pastor Bob Green

Update on Joe Feeley-

Joe has a form of lymphoma, of which there are many different forms. They don’t know if it is Hodgkin’s lymphoma or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. They need to do more testing. Joe is really sick and God’s people need to pray.

Jim here, just want to thank you for your prayers for the Feely family. Don't be afraid to approach the throne with a Holy Boldness never forgetting Gods hears and answers. Please also bathe the Warrens, Bill, Laurie and Andrew in prayer. My mind flooded with memories of Joanne when I heard, There is no doubt it has hit them much harder. Pray for the Lord to really wrap His Holy Arms of love around the Feely's and Warrens at this time.

16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is -Eph.3:16-18

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010! We made it! What's next?

Happy 2010 Saints!

As we embark on the adventure God has for us in 2010, Just wanted to first of all thank all of you who helped in making this such a special Christmas for our special needs families, foster kids and kids around the world. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.

My son, Matt, continues to miraculously improve. Four doctors visits this past week along with 3 PT visits and we all stand amazed! A month ago we weren't sure if he'd make it through the night; looking at multiple surgeries and etc. Today with NO surgeries he is walking with a cane and could have his neck brace taken off in 2 weeks. Thank you Jesus and thank all of YOU so much for your prayers, cards, meals and etc. Please continue to bathe him in prayer these next weeks as he continues to heal and look to the Lord.

As 2010 begins, just wanted to share a prayer with you that a Pastor encouraged me to pray 30 years ago. Should warn you, it is a dangerous prayer. First year I prayed it was cut to part time in my job, the next year after praying it, 3 weeks later was laid off from that job and a second I had gotten, by the end of January the end of that year while working odd jobs and still unemployed with three small children took my first trip to India as the Lord provided miraculously for my family and for me to go. That year prayed the Lord would use me to minister to children in India and around the world.

Am praying this prayer again this year and would ask all you to join and pray this with me, corporately with your, churches, families, ministries and individually. As you pray this prayer, to quote my Pastor then, "Duck! God will answer" to which I say Amen!
*PS, guys don't be afraid to pray big prayers; we have a big God who can do ALL things.

My prayer:

Lord use me in 2010, I pray this with all my heart; do whatever it takes to free me from any attachments to this world. Use me/us like never before; no matter the cost.

Lord the world is in turmoil, 1.2 billion children orphaned or at risk with no hope; so much pain. A hopeless situation, but Lord I know with YOU all things are possible. Use us/me Lord, use us/me to make a difference for these children, our churches and our world, one child/person at a time. Free me from all that hinders and help me to walk with a Holy Boldness in faith. Do whatever it takes Lord, whatever it takes. Use my life Lord, use me to make a difference.

Help us to be always praying with our gaze focused on You; not letting anything stand in the way of the task You have for us Lord. Don't let us be "realistic or practical" just being willing servants to do what You command and trust YOU to As You've promised Lord give us wisdom, Keep our paths straight and help us to not be afraid but to walk courageously. In your name, Jesus, I pray; use ME to reach these precious children; no matter the cost! Amen,

Again as you pray this, please know God does answer and He will work, not something we'll necessarily like as HE helps us throw the trash out of our lives but as I look back after praying this prayer for the 30th time. I'm nervous but can't wait to see How God answers for 2010 as we continue to walk boldly with Him.

In closing, below is an E-mail that recently came in from Dave and Shawn Smith in the Simbai Valley in Papua New Guinea. (BTW, Bill and Lori found out last week that they are going to be grandparents! Yes, a 4th generation of Smiths to work with, can't wait!) In Dave's E-mail is an update on the Bomai Village. This past Christmas was the 3rd they have celebrated there. The youth camp update and village church update just thrills my heart' can't wait to go back.

As you read this, parents please read this to your families, as you read this I have a question for all of us and please write me back with any thoughts you have.

If you were helping guide and lead the new church, how would you guide them in celebrating Christmas with the goal of keeping it Holy? Knowing how secularized it has become to where in the States today, we mostly don't even say Christmas but Happy Holidays, What would you do to help in guiding this young church as they celebrate our Lord's birth? What can we do in our own lives to step off the treadmill and keep it Holy?

God bless all. Shine brightly for Jesus and have a great, blessed and Holy 2010.

I can't wait to see what God does in 2010 and beyond!

Don't forget to check out Dave and Shawn's E-mail.
Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Dave & Shawn Smith Christmas Prayer Update:

As all of us are remembering the miracle of our Lord and Savior coming to earth to save mankind, we wanted to share with you some exciting things that God is doing here in Simbai. During this Christmas season, our family is reminded of how great God is and that He continues to do wonderful things among mankind.

Gutch/Bomai Update

Yesterday (Sunday) was one of the most exciting days of this term. Two and a half years ago the Lord opened the door for us to begin teaching God’s Word and ministering to the Bomai village. The Bomai people were trapped in animistic beliefs and traditions. They had mainline religion but had never heard the Gospel taught to them clearly. Despite the challenges, God has kept the doors open as we and a few Simbai pastors continued to share God’s Word with them. Many of them placed their faith in Christ and began to take small steps of growth. Over the past few months we have taught on baptism and becoming disciples of Christ. Yesterday, our family and missionary teammates made the long, challenging and very muddy trip to Bomai. It was well worth it as 42 Bomai believers were baptized in a mountain river near the village. Along with baptizing the believers that we have worked with for some time, it was also a special blessing to assist 2 young Simbai preachers (Obet and Fabian) in doing some of the baptisms. This was the first time either of them had baptized others. A large crowd of over 200 witnessed the baptism and came to the service afterwards. Thank you for praying specifically for the 4 Bomai leaders. Levi, Grayton and little Simon were all baptized. Please continue to pray for “Big Simon.” He continues to ride the fence and has not put his faith and trust in Christ. Please also pray for this church. We know there will be many challenges, but we are excited about all that God will do.

Simbai Youth Camp

Thanks also for praying for the Simbai youth camp in early December. The Lord blessed and gave a great camp! There were around 320 campers, which was one of our largest youth camps. Our missionary teammates (the Wagner Family) and our Simbai youth leaders did a great job conducting and overseeing the camp. We had 2 guest speakers, another missionary teammate (Dan Thyng) and a young national pastor (Vincent). God blessed all of the hard work and 36 Simbai young people made decisions to trust in Christ as their personal Savior during camp. A lot of young people made other decisions as well. Please pray that they will remember the Biblical principles they learned and stick to their decisions. Shawn and our girls enjoyed helping to host the Thyng family during camp, and I enjoyed teaching a class and helping wherever needed.


We are encouraged and amazed at how God is blessing the small and young mission board that the Simbai churches have started. Over the past several weeks, Simbai people have regularly come to me shyly putting money in my hand and saying that they want to give to support missions. One man donated 600 lbs of coffee, which is about a $500 value. We have been so encouraged to see churches, men and women all giving from the very little that they have to support their own mission board. Last week, the mission director (Pastor Moses) and GNBM’s first missionary (Pastor Mark) along with a few others went on a survey trip to Deno, a village on the banks of the Ramu River. It took them 2-3 days to travel one way. This village is a different people group from the Simbai. We began surveying this area a couple of years ago. There were some obstacles that came up last year, but it looks like the Lord has removed those obstacles and we are praying that Mark and his family can begin their ministry at Deno next year. Pray for a young man, Zebedee, who also went on the survey trip last week. We led Zebedee to Christ and discipled him during our first term. He graduated from Bible College last year and is prayerfully considering being a missionary in this area.

Mumbai & Alunk Churches

In our last couple of prayer updates, we shared about opportunities we had to minister in special meetings at churches in two separate villages: Mumbai and Alunk. In the last few weeks, I have been able to visit and follow-up at each church. Since the meetings at Mumbai, there have been a few adults who have trusted in Christ for salvation. Others are starting to come and attend. A couple of weeks ago, I visited and preached at the church. There were over 80 in attendance. I was amazed – there hasn’t been that many in a regular service at the church for several years. Some similar things are happening at Alunk. People in the community are starting to come to church and a few of them have also trusted in Christ as their personal Savior.

Thanks & Merry Christmas

Thank you for your prayers, your gifts and your encouragement this past year. We have so much for which to thank and praise the Lord. We are also thankful for those who gave to help us purchase sets of chronological Bible picture cards for our pastors and churches to use. If you would like to help with this project ($40 for each set), you can send a gift to our mission account (acct #: 013048-002). Please designate your gift as “Chronological Bible Picture Cards for Pastors”. The Lord has also provided an additional $1000 towards purchasing our airline tickets for furlough. We appreciate your prayers for the remaining $2000 needed.

Finally, as you celebrate and remember our Lord’s birth our family wants to wish you a very blessed and Merry Christmas!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Praise the Lord with us,
Dave, Shawn, Abby, Sydney & Hayley Smith
Missionaries to the Simbai People of Papua New Guinea
Home Church: Morningside Baptist Church 1115 Pelham Road Greenville, SC 29615
Mission: ABWE PO Box 8585 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585