Friday, October 9, 2009

Greetings Saints!

Camp was absolutely incredible! Have to admit it was a little challenging doing a 4.5 hour camp with 10 workers, 5 of us 13 and under with 180 kids, but it was just fantastic. We've heard many stories from all 3 camps of children going home and sharing the Wordless book with their families and friends.

Today the children made a prayer book as our kids taught them about prayer

Just a quick FYI, this is a christian school but kids come there for superior education. Not all teachers know Jesus.

Our two sisters gave great testimonies, did the Gospel Bag. It was as rich as it could ever get. When I get home will send out some pics of the kids that will just bless your hearts. (Yes, the testimonies are videotaped)

Now, we are praying for 2011 for an entire school program but would love to do it for 2010! 3 days for the senior school and 2 for the Junior works for me!

Some of you may remember, Judy, who led music for our SBC a few years ago, according to Pastor Isaac the best music leader in all of Delhi. 3 Guesses where she teaches. She is joining us in praying for a full school camp. Music team set. Have video of her leading the children in singing. Absolutely awesome!

Have a bag of special gifts for one of our kids from here, who is in the States that I'll be bringing back. Jen, mom told her it's coming.

Was also given a plaque from the school which I'll always treasure.

We did have a little adventure heading back to the base. As you, who have been here know, driving in Delhi is better than any thrill ride!

Well, breaking down in Delhi is even more interesting as our good friend Namgyal comes to rescue us with a tow rope! (fan belt broke)

Camp workers, remember our tug of war rope? Yep, that was our tow rope! First we had to make a u-turn being towed, as the rope got tangled in the wheel! Traffic blocked as rope is pulled from wheel.

Rope maybe 36" of space between vehicles. Remember Delhi, traffic flows like a river, no lanes; cars inches or less apart.

Then going through a busy intersection and having the rope break! Retying it and getting back to the base! Thank you Jesus.

Now that is a thrill ride!

I was in the front seat of Gloria's car (Commonly called the death seat) and yes, took many pictures. WIsh I would have thought to switch to video.

We had care group this evening as we all met at Gloria and Isaac's, spending the entire time praying and thanking the Lord. Each of us praying specifically to love God more. Rich time.

We then watched a movie with our college students from Wordfest. My good friend Paul from our Village of Hope in Zambia had told me I needed to get the movie, Faith Like Potatoes; about a Zambian farmer who had faith. Thanks Paul. Guys, if I had to chose between that and Ee-taow, I'd recommend Faith Like Potatoes. Real and powerful.

Thank you Jesus for one of the richest and most blessed days of my life.

Thank you, all of you for your many prayers.

Keep shining for Jesus all.

I can't wait to see what God does next!

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

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