Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Zambia Child Prayer Need and Ministry Opportunity

Zambia Child Prayer Need and Ministry Opportunity
 Please be praying for one of our children at the Village of Hope in Zambia. Gift, one of our boys fell out of a tree and broke his arm; really bad break. Ann Rachel, who wrote asking for prayer, got physicaly sick when she saw it. Gift is a really neat kid and I understand in a lot of pain. Please pray.
Below is a flyer that Kathleen Schwartz had sent me sharing a special opportunity they have to minister to teachers in the Liteta Zone of the Central Province in Zambia and through them the children in other villages.
The equivilent of the governor there came to our village school and was greatly impressed by this little two room school and thankful that they desire to help others learn to teach.
Personally, I believe one of the most practical ways, if not the most practical way to reach folks and train them up, is through passionate teachers. Please really pray for this ministry and if you decide to join me in helping in this ministry, please make sure you give them your E-mail so they can keep you informed.
Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27  -Flyer as an attachment.
America to Zambia

Teacher to Teacher 

Teachers, like you, around the world are investing their lives in children hoping to make a difference. Teachers in Zambia often have classes of 50-70 students with very little if any resources – books, papers, copy machines, library, etc. They often have very little training; some do not even get paid.

Village of Hope in Zambia is co-hosting:

a 2-day in-service - December 3-4

Focus: literacy

Participants: 150 Zambian teachers in the Liteta Zone of the Central Province


Your tax-deductable contribution of $10.00 would help with the costs of transportation, four meals, and supplies. A contribution of $27.00 would defray the total cost for one participant. Make a difference in the life of a Zambian teacher. So little will go so far!

Teachers in Zambia need the support of teachers in America.

Make checks payable to “AKCLI,” marked for “teachers” and send to:

All Kids Can Learn, Intl

224 N. Washington St.

Havre de Grace, MD 21078

Please include an email address so that we can send a report on this training program, as well as opportunities to be part of a US team traveling to participate with the Zambian teachers in the future.

To learn more about the Village of Hope go to:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Joanne With Jesus Four Years Later/ All Is Well

Greetings Saints,

As many of you know, about this time of day 4 years ago, the doctors called me into intensive care; there was no hope, massive brain damage, only thing keeping Joanne alive was the respirator.

After over 3 years suffering the time had come for her to leave the shell that was her body and to go to be with her Lord Jesus.

As the doctor was sharing this, in God's perfect time, Pastor Bill walked into intensive care, as I gave them permission to take Joanne off the machines that were keeping her body alive.

Then and now, the most difficult thing I ever had to do, but even in those moments of deeply intense emotional pain, the Lord was there giving strength. As we walked out of intensive care, the Lord brought more dear friends and then again later more to be with us. Thank You Jesus for Your promise to never leave or forsake us.

It took a few hours to prepare Joanne, making as sure as humanly possible she would not suffer anymore pain.

Then they called the family in to sit around her and say our good-byes as they removed her from the respirator, in less then 20 minutes, she was gone to spend all of eternity with Jesus.

I've been here alone, as I need to be today listening to this song,, All is well, by Robin Mark. The song Pastor Isaac wrote about. My understanding is the writer of this song had just lost everything and yet wrote this beautiful song. Listen carefully to the words.

I can honestly say today, though many trials and struggles continue, All is Well with my soul.

My prayer for all of us today is that like Paul and Silas in prison, we can sing praises to the Lord, no matter our circumstances; knowing He is in control and we are in His Hand.

Just as the prisoners in that jail, saw the Gospel in them, saw their total God confidence, my prayer is that His love would flow through each of us as everyone who meets us sees the Gospel; that our actions and love would match our words.

God bless all; have a great day with Jesus as you continue to shine brightly for Him.

All is Well!

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Monday, October 12, 2009

Watching God Work/Desiring a Closer Walk with God

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Below is something the Lord has done in my life while here.
Covet your continued prayers as I prepare to leave this evening; These long flights can be very painful as this old gorilla squeeses into those small seat and the leg yells. Not complaining, doing it joyfully; thanking the Lord for this special opportunity.
Shine for Jesus all. Be Holy.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Desiring a Closer Walk with God

As 2008 came to a close, I felt the Lord’s leading to pray a simple prayer asking Him to give me a closer walk and deeper love for Him more and to help me to look to Him and Him alone in every area of my life. During this trip the Lord answered that prayer and others as only He can.

This past year has been one of many struggles as I felt in my heart that I was moving farther from Him instead of being drawn closer; similar to what we experience when we pray for patience but for me more intense.

Trips were major struggles; trials constant and discouragement seemed to want to be a constant companion that had to be overcome daily as the Lord would remind me of things He had done. It never ceases to amaze me how easily I can take my focus off the overwhelming greatness of God; instead of focusing on what is good as He commands, focusing on seemingly negative things and allowing myself to worry about things that never come to pass.

God give me strength and wisdom, courage and faith to carry on, help me to be strong and courageous not to worry or fear. Lord be my God. Help me to love and give as never before; looking to You and You alone for everything.

One thing I quickly became aware of was the Lord was opening my eyes wider to my own sinfulness and desperate need of His Grace. To draw nearer to Him meant letting go, completely, or as completely as I knew how to do.

Funds for the last two trips were very light, can’t continue on like this Lord.

Let go Jim; let go and trust in Me, I will never leave or forsake you. Trust Me, Jim.

Seemed the more I gave the more unexpected expenses flowed in; but you know the neat thing here? I continue to be debt free and for the 5th year in a row will be able to give away at least 100% of my income as God continues to help me trust Him in this area.

Then there was this trip. As I reread the Autobiography of George Mueller on the way to Zambia, I was again reminded of this great man of God’s strong walk of faith and recommitted my life to trusting God looking to Him and Him alone to provide. Asking folks not for funds but for prayer only; looking to God only. Scary; but so neat to stand back and watch God work in such wonderful and amazing ways.

As the bills roll in, funds go out; somehow, amazingly, as I prepare to return to the States, today, October 12th 2009, the Lord has allowed me to remain totally debt free. (Bills to pay when I return but have funds to cover) I thank you Jesus, for your great love and Your Holy Word.

Another area that has been a struggle this year is dealing with loneliness. Should I pray and ask the Lord to bring someone into my life; a helpmate that would stand by my side through my remaining years?

October 19, will be the 4th anniversary of Joanne going to be with Jesus. Lord how shall I pray? Is it a bad thing to pray this way?

The Lord used the Grace Renewed (Sonship) team to guide me. We did not discuss it but as we talked through the week and they took me out to dinner one evening, just being with them and having fellowship with them made it abundantly clear.

Bob, Rose Marie and team are totally sold out to Jesus and just blessed me and the Lord used them to give me clear guidance in that area; without ever talking about it. Thanks guys; thanks for everything. You are in my prayers always. See you in Cuba!

The Lord showed me that He would allow me to pray that prayer and would bless it but doing so, would limit the ministry He has given me with children. I realized then that Paul went through some of the same struggles and like Paul, I’ve chosen to allow God to be my all in all looking to Him to fill my life even in this area and now have a great peace about it. Thank you Lord for your clear direction.

Just a quick note here, this is just in my case and please don’t think that Jim is saying to never marry or remarry. I would only encourage all of us always look to the Lord for guidance in every area of our lives; trusting in Him with all our hearts and allowing Him to direct our paths. His yoke is light and His love higher, deeper and wider than we can ever imagine.

I’m not suffering for Jesus; I’m joyful in Him; knowing He is giving to me the desire of my heart. Bringing the children to Him as He commands in Matthew 19:14 and Mark 10:14.

The Lord reinforced that decision as I was teaching last week at the school asking the children how long was forever? (Forever!) Sharing how our lives here were less than a small dot on a line compared to eternity and no matter what we can trust God to bring us through. Got it Lord; thank you.

At the end of 2008, I prayed asking for a closer walk with the Lord. He has answered mightily and is allowing me to walk more confidently than ever with Him, assured of His great love for me and you and thankful that He has allowed me the Holy Privilege of being His child.

As I prepare to leave to return to the States, I’d like to just encourage you to join me in praying that prayer. Pray for your love and trust of the Lord to deepen; for your faith to grow stronger and for Him to guide you in faith on the special path He has for you and for each and everyone of us.

As I write this attempting to be deeply honest, my pray continues to be, Lord draw me close, do whatever it takes to bring me closer to You.

As we join together in prayer, looking to God as we pray, I can’t wait to see what God does next.

Have a great day with Jesus all.

Keep shining for Him!

Until Every Child Knows,
 Big Jim
 Matt. 19:14
 James 1:27
Prov. 3:5,6

Friday, October 9, 2009

Greetings Saints!

Camp was absolutely incredible! Have to admit it was a little challenging doing a 4.5 hour camp with 10 workers, 5 of us 13 and under with 180 kids, but it was just fantastic. We've heard many stories from all 3 camps of children going home and sharing the Wordless book with their families and friends.

Today the children made a prayer book as our kids taught them about prayer

Just a quick FYI, this is a christian school but kids come there for superior education. Not all teachers know Jesus.

Our two sisters gave great testimonies, did the Gospel Bag. It was as rich as it could ever get. When I get home will send out some pics of the kids that will just bless your hearts. (Yes, the testimonies are videotaped)

Now, we are praying for 2011 for an entire school program but would love to do it for 2010! 3 days for the senior school and 2 for the Junior works for me!

Some of you may remember, Judy, who led music for our SBC a few years ago, according to Pastor Isaac the best music leader in all of Delhi. 3 Guesses where she teaches. She is joining us in praying for a full school camp. Music team set. Have video of her leading the children in singing. Absolutely awesome!

Have a bag of special gifts for one of our kids from here, who is in the States that I'll be bringing back. Jen, mom told her it's coming.

Was also given a plaque from the school which I'll always treasure.

We did have a little adventure heading back to the base. As you, who have been here know, driving in Delhi is better than any thrill ride!

Well, breaking down in Delhi is even more interesting as our good friend Namgyal comes to rescue us with a tow rope! (fan belt broke)

Camp workers, remember our tug of war rope? Yep, that was our tow rope! First we had to make a u-turn being towed, as the rope got tangled in the wheel! Traffic blocked as rope is pulled from wheel.

Rope maybe 36" of space between vehicles. Remember Delhi, traffic flows like a river, no lanes; cars inches or less apart.

Then going through a busy intersection and having the rope break! Retying it and getting back to the base! Thank you Jesus.

Now that is a thrill ride!

I was in the front seat of Gloria's car (Commonly called the death seat) and yes, took many pictures. WIsh I would have thought to switch to video.

We had care group this evening as we all met at Gloria and Isaac's, spending the entire time praying and thanking the Lord. Each of us praying specifically to love God more. Rich time.

We then watched a movie with our college students from Wordfest. My good friend Paul from our Village of Hope in Zambia had told me I needed to get the movie, Faith Like Potatoes; about a Zambian farmer who had faith. Thanks Paul. Guys, if I had to chose between that and Ee-taow, I'd recommend Faith Like Potatoes. Real and powerful.

Thank you Jesus for one of the richest and most blessed days of my life.

Thank you, all of you for your many prayers.

Keep shining for Jesus all.

I can't wait to see what God does next!

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Watching God Work/Camp Day 1/3rd Grade

Greetings Saints

It's about 10:05 PM as I begin to write here.

Camp was just awesome! Picture 180 highly excited children doing a camp during school; it was a little challenging to calm them down but oh the blessings were so rich. The word here when children act up is naughty.Some of the boys especially were very

"naughty" but it was from excitement, not being bad. These are our future leaders, Pastors and etc; live wires; gotta love 'em.

We did the special bracelets today and will be doing the prayer booklets with them tomorrow.

Also giving out Wordless Books to all the students tomorrow asking them to take them home and study them to remind them what Jesus did for them and to use them to tell their friends. Please pray.

Pastor Steven shared during assembly and tomorrow I'll be sharing using the Gospel Bag; please continue to pray.

Sarah shared her testimony today and Rhythm will be sharing hers tomorrow. Yes, we plan of videotaping her as we did Sarah's today.
Two special testimonies/Godincidences

As David explained the colors of the Wordless Book, a young boy who was H.. told him he couldn't do that because he was H... David shared that it was OK, Jesus loves H,,,, also, in fact he used to be H.... At that point the boy said OK and listened intently as David shared

After the children in my class finished the bracelets, I asked Rhythm to explain the Book to the children again. She was incredible as she went form color to color explained with great enthusiasm sharing also how God wants us to pray and every time we have problems we can always go to Him and He hears our prayers. As well done as any presentation I have ever heard. Then we had Divia come and explain it using the large flipper flapper, she also did great. Thank you Jesus. Would that we all had the enthusiasm for Jesus these girls have.

Make it three special testimonies! Seems many of the children went home form the 4th ngade camp and shared Jesus with their families using their WOrdless books and bracelets. Go God Go!

Tomorrow, the plan is for Pastor Steven to do counseling with Isaac Jr., He will do the first session, Isaac Jr, with him the second and then Isaac on his own for at least one session. Please pray for Isaac and all the counselors as they share His love.

After returning home to the base here, I had the joy of having lunch with the staff as we celebrated a first birthday and Pastor Isaac shared an update.
Please continue to pray for Pastor. He starts his medication tomorrow. A combination of very powerful antibiotics that he will need to take for one year. There can be side effects, please join us in praying for very nominal side effects and for a total healing as Pastor looks to Jesus. Pray also for the family, staff and church as they seek to come alongside of Pastor and minister to him as he has ministered to them these many years.
Pray for our camp tomorrow also, Gloria will be staying back with Isaac. Please pray for open hearts, for a double filling of the Holy Spirit and for the love of Jesus to flow through us to all we see.

Please continue to pray for the Wordfest as these 37 young people are challenged. Pray for the Lord to raise up warriors that would come and stand beside us and pray for radical life change as the Word of God is opened for them.

Shine on all. This old guy is crashing.

Have a fantastic day with Jesus as you share His love with all you meet.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update on Pastor Isaac

Good Morning Saints!

Below is an update on Pastor Isaac. While TB is very serious it is tresatsble. Isaac is scheduled to be on strong antibiotics for a year but pretty much complete healing is expected. Lymph node, stage 3 was what the doctors had feared; that would be untreatable. Below is from the family.

Please also be praying, in about 20 minutes we'll be leaving to do our 3rd grade camp. School is really excited. I also have some exciting updates from the last camp that is just mind blowing. Plan on sending out a report on today's camp, last nights talk went well; Hours to speak, wasn't able to share everything planned but sense God's Spirit working as we discussed living radically for Jesus, based on Hebrews 11:1-12:2. Thank you for praying, Light touch of Delhi Belly seems to be over, though was weak last night.

Thank you for praying all.

Have a great day with Jesus. Keep shining brightly for Him.

The song below is very beautiful, it is going to be sung here on Sunday. Sang it with the family this past Sunday as Myriam played it on the piano and Gloria on her violin.

Until Every Child Knows,

Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Isaac and Gloria Shaw wrote:

Dear Big Jim,

The results of the biopsy came today and the Doctor informed us that Isaac has Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis. We praise God for this diagnosis as the doctors said they were suspecting worse. The doctor who is heading the case and tests comes to our church. As soon as we received the news Isaac got the team together and thanked the Lord for the outcome of the tests. Isaac has recommitted himself that he will keep going till North India has heard, or till the Lord calls him home.

This has been a difficult month of uncertainty about Isaac health after the sudden appearance of growths on his neck. Since first September there have been several consultations with Doctors. Isaac also had a 19 day deputation to UK. trip in the midst of it.

There have been many difficult days and long nights but we were sustained and uplifted by the Word of God. The prayers of the saints have encouraged us to persevere. Your notes, phone calls, SMS, posting on FB, visits and enquiring about Isaac’s health have been deeply appreciated. The promises you gave us from the Word of God has been our daily bread. We have felt so much loved and taken care of.

The following new song of Johnny Parks and Claire Hamilton sung by Robin Mark was a gift from the Lord for us during this time:

All is Well

He lowers us to raise us

So we can sin g his praises

Whatever is his way all is well

He makes us rich and poor

That we might trust him more

Whatever is his way all is well

All my changes come from him he who never changes

I’m held firm in the grasp of the Rock of all the agesAll is well with my soul

He is God in control

I know not all his plans

But I know I’m in his hands

He cloths us now then strips us

Yet with His Word equips us

Whatever is his way all is well

And though our seasons change

We still exalt his name

Whatever is his way all is well

We will need your continued prayers for

1. Complete healing of Isaac as he takes this year long treatment with drugs.

2. That there will be no adverse side effects of the drugs.

3. For the family, work and church as they adjust to Isaac’s health situation.

With grateful hearts,

Gloria, Gloria Jr., Myriam, Sarah and Isaac Jr.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Waching God WorkCamp!

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 4:24 PM, James Kramer wrote:

Greetings Saints! What an awesome God we serve!

Second two day camp is over. Thursday and Friday we do our 3rd two day camp.

Just got back and we're just a little excited and frankly amazed at what the Lord is doing.

Camp was beyond all and any expectations and dreams. 170+ children highly excited and energized as we shared the love of Jesus with them. Just did 4th grade, 5th grade now wants us to come! Today did our special Wordless Book Bracelets. Bracelets were done in groups of ten with counselors in each group, including 6 of our 'tweens led by David, sharing the Good News of Jesus. Rhythm and Divia, 13 and 11, each led a group showing the children, 8-10, how to do the bracelets sharing their faith and praying with them.

Nothing, absolutely nothing compares with hearing these precious children sharing their faith.

Then as the day ended giving our children a charge to go home and share His love with their families and friends.

Sabrina's older sister, Freda, is here from college and she too counseled the children.

We are dreaming/praying for school wide camp within 2 years. All 2500+ children doing a 5 day camp during school hours. Going to need a full time staff just to run these camps at the various schools. Hmm, know some dynamite teens/college students that can grow into the work.

Crazy? Never happen? I'll let you know how God does it. (Umm, Jen, that would be 9 classes, Senior school with 4 classes in each group average class size 40, 3 teaching sessions, lunch, movie, crafts, games, opening and closing for senior high, 50 minute classes. then 5 classes wth 4 teams per class, Junior school, average 42 children per class)

Now Freda is going back to school in Canada to get her Masters in counseling then looking to come to Mt. Carmel to minister to the children there. Asked her to pray about running the counseling team we'll need to minister and talk to the children during our school wide camp.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Please keep praying. The potential here and in other schools is mind boggling. Again words can't describe what we saw God do today.

This morning, I was scheduled to do the opening assembly for the younger Senior grades, using the Gospel Bag. Seems today was a joint assembly of all students and teachers for grades 4-12!

"Would you mind doing it for all the children instead of just the younger ones?"

As my heart filled with joy, "Yes, I'd be glad too."

Had thought about asking if I could come back Monday and share with the older children. God already had it worked out.

Now, as a result of the camp and the privilege of sharing during assembly, all the children in the entire senior school and their teachers heard the Good News. Thank you Jesus.

Mrs. Howell, Vice Principal of the school and Sabrina and Freda's Mother, followed me and shared the Gospel again urging teachers and children to turn to Jesus.

Tomorrow is a Holiday so no school but Wordfest. Scheduled at 5; can't wait.

Thursday and Friday is at the Junior School. Again doing the assemblies for the entire Junior school and teachers with 3 of our 'tweens sharing their testimonies then camp for 3rd grade. Can't wait to see what the Lord does.

Please continue to pray boldly; continuing to pray for Pastor Isaac as we await the report form the doctor.

Have a great day with Jesus all.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Monday, October 5, 2009

Watching God Work/Camp/Faith On Fire

Greetings Saints!
We have a short break here as day one of camp ends and Wordfest begins.

It's raining and the heat has broken; maybe 80 and a just a little humid. Thank you Jesus!

Still using Gloria's computer so am unable to respond to a lot of messages.

Pastor went to have the wound on his neck drained. Doctor was non-committal about the results of the tests and wants to wait until everything is in before saying anything.

Thank you on Pastor Isaac and his family's behalf for all your prayers and E-mails. It has been a real encouragement to him as he looks to the Lord as never before.

One thing I had forgotten to mention at the previous camp, I asked my class how many ways are there to get to heaven and how to you get there?

Every child answered, 10 ways, obey the 10 Commandments. They have been taught the law and very little about grace. At this point, lesson plan changed as we focused on One Way. Thank you Jesus for showing us that.

Please pray for that truth to really set in.

On the humorous side, on Friday we had three schedule changes and on Saturday two more. Must be flexible folks. EXTREMELY flexible. That being said, again the Camp was just fabulous.

Please be praying for our Wordfest as it begins in about 2 hours. Pray too for me as I work on the teaching for Wednesday' 2 hour talk; title "Faith on Fire". Some of you may recognize that title. Please pray for wisdom. Lord kept giving me verses and ideas making very hard to sleep as I tend to get excited about what He is giving me to share. Teaching on Bible heroes who stood strong in the faith, Joshua, David, Esther, Paul and etc and some of my heroes, Kaylyn Warren, Stephanie Nolting, Tim Merkel, and etc.

Without faith it is impossible to please God is the theme verse for that lesson tied together with having the faith of a mustard seed.

Onto Mt Carmel Camp!!

Pastor Steven spoke at the opening assembly as only he can sharing the Wordless Book and telling all the children about His Jesus.

There are 4 Fourth Grades and it was announced that instead of different classes today would be a Bible Camp for them. Kids were very excited.

FYI, the average class size is 44 students but very disciplined. Each morning the children assemble and start their day with exercises, song and prayer. Camp ran from 8 to 1:50 with 3 lessons, crafts, games and a movie.

We had two of our teens from the worship team available. The guys were asked to teach the children a song and did a great job especially considering they only had about 5 minutes notice.

We also had 4 'tweens, Sarah, one of her friends, Glory. and then two of our SBC kids; Rhythm and Divya. Steph and Jen they send their love. I have a picture of them that I am only allowed to show to you. Steph, they plan on sending you a card and Rhythm asked that I tell you she is praying for you as is Divya.

FYI, Rhythm met Jesus in 2005 and her sister, Divya, in 2007.

David, with his servants heart, led crafts, like me, not his area of gifting but with our 'tweens and the teachers help he did a fantastic job. Classes were combined so he was able to lead indoor games also; balloons, of course.

Now, the children did get yelled at during games for being too loud ) by the Vice Principal. Basically they were having fun but in their excitement got loud; we just played the games somewhat quietly. Reminds me of old Red Lion days when my Sunday School Class had to move because we were disturbing the adults under us.

The classes were fantastic to teach. I had Isaac Jr's class and what a blessing. These kids interacted and were really great to teach. Great school. It was very obvious most while knowing some answers, most really had never met Jesus.

Tomorrow, I'll be using the Gospel Bag in the assembly, so please continue to pray and we will be finishing our teaching on creation and the fall. Again, these children are a dream to teach (Really helps when the temperature is below 100!) Pray for David tomorrow as he does the Wordless Book Bracelets with crafts to reinforce the lessons. These are special kits that we have gotten that are really neat.

Now as I close and get ready for WordFest, We have a special prayer request. Three of our 'tweens will be giving their testimonies for the Junior School on Thursday and Firday as we teach the 3rd grades. Sarah Shaw, Rhythm and Divya. Yeah Merks, I'll tape it. Please pray for them, this is something they have never done before.

In closing, please really pray for our children here. On the way this morning the schools were too numerous to count, one man riding a bike with one daughter sitting sideways on the front and the other behind. These children need to know Jesus.

When we look at the huge number of children, it can be overwhelming, but as each child is taught and disciplied, it's like throwing thousands of stones in a pond, and seeing ripples everywhere and more stones are thrown and more ripples appear until they become a mighty current flowing into the hearts of millions upon millions. Please pray boldly.

Keep shining for Jesus all. Keep praying boldly and again thank you form all of us for your many fervent prayers. We can really feel them here.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Watching God Work/Pastor Isaac Update

Greeting Prayer Warriors!!!!

Pastor Isaac had the biopsy and should be coming home tomorrow. Please continue to bathe him and the family in prayer.

I'm here back in my room in Delhi. Came home on the train (love riding the trains here) and one of our famous rickshaw taxi's that while somewhat dangerous are an absolute blast to ride in. FYI, the train station there was even pink!

Two prayer requests:

Camp at Faith starts at 8:30 (6 hours from now) Please really bathe the team in prayer as we enter into this new area of ministry. We are all very excited. Of course God made it interesting; due to some of the team having to leave early to help out here, we were never able to meet during the retreat and will be flying by the seat of our pants. Love doing that, we have some great team members and it's going to be incredible. Pray for open hearts, the counseling teams, teachers, workers and especially the children. Camp is 2 days, Friday and Saturday, 8 hours a day. Please really pray; there is incredible potential here. Great opportunities.

In 6.5 hours there will be a Couples Seminar here with our good friends from WH sharing. Please really pray for them and for those that are attending. These guys are absolutely incredible. Saturday there will be a ladies retreat here while we do our camp. Please bathe, Rose Marie and company in prayer as they minister.

The retreat I just returned from was just incredible. Bob, Rose Marie and company are such Godly people, great role models for all of us with tremendous wisdom and love for the Lord. Their Passion and love is very contagious.

Everyone went away richly and deeply blessed. With a deeper understanding and love for the Lord.

One personal testimony. While I never sat in any if the sessions (teaching the kids) the Lord used the team to minster to my heart in a very special way.

I have been really praying for a deeper and more passionate walk with God. The Lord used these guys/gals to bring me into a much deeper relationship with God than I've ever had before Just hanging out with them and seeing their passion and love for my dear brothers and sisters here just touched my heart in a way I can't really describe. Thanks Bob it is a great honor and privilege to be able to call you friend.

If your wondering about the weather here; it's hot; a true "Indian Summer" but only in the nineties,

You know, something incredible is starting here; a fire is igniting, and the flames of the gospel are spreading like wildfire.

David, your so right, "it only takes a spark to get sa fire going" PUSH brother, PUSH!

There is a lot more that will be shared at a later date. Please really bathe all of us here in prayer.

Pray too for our Word Fest starting Tuesday here while we do our camps in another school.

One last request. Pray for a possible early November trip going and training children's workers and ministering to children. Pray for the Lord to allow this. It'll take a miracle but won't be the first!

Thank you for your prayers.
Until Every Child Knows
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27