Monday, September 28, 2009

Watching God Work

We are here in Jaipur for the retreat. 40 members of the church and some big old gorilla.

As you read this we'd covet your prayers, Shaws are not with us. Issac needs to have the tests done in the morning (3AM here now) Since we are so far away here, the children stayed back, just in case there would be a need for surgery. Please join me in praying boldly for these very preciou8s Saints and that they would be able to join us here.

Now, Jen, it has been decided when we do a camp here, you will be in charge because Jaipur is your kind of place. Jaipur is also called the Pink City. All buildings and houses are Pink! Seems the soil here is pinkish in color also. The Pink Camp! Workers could all wear pink.

It's exciting being here and what a joy coming here in the bus with the church members, staff and some old gorilla from the States. Please note, using netbook and this little keyboard is a little challenging but prayerfully you'll be able to read this as I hit 2 and 3 keys at a time.

As I opened the door to my room here, our good Friend Bob Heppe walked out of the room next door. Rose Marie Miller is here, son, Phillip has a book out on prayer. If he's anything like Jack, no doubt it would be a must read. Met a few other members of the London team. What a joy and privilege to be here.

Want to share two tender stories here:

At church this morning, I assisted one of the teachers, who teaches the same age group I teach at home. Very talented teachers and tears of joy filled my eyes, as I watched Geesha share with joy and passion. Geesha is now in college and was one of our teens on the team last fall as we took the teens on their first ever trip. Taught with me in June and taught her own class the second week. Thank you Jesus.One prayer request for Geesha, she has started college and is looking for a job, please join me in praying for this special young lady of God.
On the bus ride here, a young man named David sat with me, 2007 team, he sends hos love. David did games that Camp. Team members Are You Ready? David recently came back from Singapore where he had been going to college. Some of you may remember, he was supposed to go during the 2007 camp but as you prayed, he had a delay getting his visa and was able to stay for the second week of camp where we had 500 plus children. Visa came in, day camp ended. David shared with me stories of his time in Singapore. How strong the youth in the church was and the mighty things God was doing there. David has a real burden for Chinese and shared how when he first went to school there, he'd go to church by himself in the morning. At the end of the semester, 19 of the students in his dorm were going to church with him,

David feels God's Hand on him and has a burden to work with children, full time. He has asked for prayer for the Lord's direction on this and prayer for the courage to follow that direction. Please join me in praying for David. Oh, on David, he wasn't going to be able to help with the Camp at Faith Academy but there was this coincidence (explained to him they are Godincidences) and he will be there with us leading games.

Meeting in a few hours. Time for nap, if jet lag will allow. Please continue to pray. God is really working in great and wonderways.

Please continue to pray and especially prayoing for the Shaws.

Until Every Child Knows,

Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

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