Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lyle and Michelle Update/Back to the US

Back to the US

Dear Friends & Family,

About a week and a half ago, Michelle and I were very excited to be able to return to our PNG home and our kids and dear friends here. It has been marvelous to be here, and it has provided a good environment for me to have flexibility with work (going up and down the hill between the house and office as necessary) and help with the kids. Michelle has been slowly improving on her balance and continues to work regularly on the excercises given her by the physical therapist and occupational therapist in Australia. It will be a matter of months and maybe even years before we see exactly what deficits are overcome and which she will be left with.

Since being back, we have worked at attempting to contact neurologists and other medical experts around the world to get advice on what Michelle’s risk is for a restroke and to determine what is the best approach for preventing another major migraine that could lead to another stroke. While there are differing opinions on what the best medication would be for Michelle’s situation, the prevailing consensus of the medical folks we contacted was that it would be very wise for Michelle to be close to modern medical facilities in the event she have another episode. Based on the feedback we have received and the wholehearted support of our home church and leadership here, we have made the decision that we will be leaving PNG in early November. We did not want the process of packing up, selling items, and transitioning responsibilities at work to be too stressful for Michelle, so have planned these weeks here. We look forward to getting back to Michigan and finding a good neurologist that will be familiar with Michelle and her condition should this ever happen again.

The two largest down sides we see to us leaving early is the fact that our kids will need to change schools mid-year and the abbreviated time of training and handing things off in the office. I am currently starting to look into accounting jobs in the Grand Rapids area, and we are starting to see if we will be able to get pre-approved by a bank to buy a house. Given the economic times and our strange situation of being missionaries overseas makes us an odd case. The logistics of making arrangements for everything and selling the things we have here and buying all we need to in getting set back up seems like a lot, but we have been excited to already hear of some possible solutions for a vehicle and temporary housing.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here in PNG, and it has already been very emotional in many ways to think of leaving here. We have dear PNG national friends and NTM missionary friends that we will miss desperately, and we have gotten very comfortable in our home, school, and work. There are so many wonderful memories we have of our time here and feel priviliged that we have been able to be a part of the ministry here and had the opportunity to meet and work with so many wonderful people. Please pray with us for this time of transition and training here and for the huge process of getting settled back in Michigan. This has a big impact on our kids as well. You have been amazing to pray so faithfully for us through our time here and through the ups and downs along the way. Thank you all!

With love & appreciation,

Lyle, Michelle & kids

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