Thursday, September 24, 2009

India Bound

Good Morning Prayer Warriors Around the World!

Quick FYI:

I'll be sending out an E-mail inviting anyone in this area to a meeting to share our goal of loading a cargo container for Zambia/Village of Hope

We are looking to have our first Zambia Orphan Care Trip Informational meeting for next August by the end of October/Beginning of Nov.

In a few short hours I'll be once again heading to the airport to return again to my beloved India!

Some huge praises here.

Some of the supplies ordered were late been shipped and the shipping arrival was either Friday or Monday. The one came Tuesday and the big load 1:35 PM yesterday, less than 24 hours before I'm due to leave for the airport. Only God.

We weren't able to verify my dates until less than 3 weeks out but those dates "Just happened" to be on sale and I got the cheapest price I've ever gotten for a ticket to India.

While closing one of my suitcases, the entire zipper ripped out. Thank you Lord for having that happen here and not at the airport or in flight. Had gotten a few bags on sale recently so repacked and put a strap on the new bag.

This always amazes me; shouldn't but does. Just ordered everything needed in faith, having no idea how or if it would fit; knowing it shouldn't but it did. I'm allowed two 50 pound suitcases, a carry on and a laptop bag. (Plus my cargo pants, of course!) Everything fit! Carrying in 160 pounds of supplies and around 10 pounds of personal things. Thought I might have to wear a coat for extra pockets but will only need the cargo pants and a shirt with pockets. Thank you Jesus!

A dear friend gave me a netbook for my trips, freely up enough space in my laptop bag to fit 50 New Testaments/Psalms/Proverbs (Delivered and given to me last night by another dear friend) and a few books and DVD's.

Crafts I wants were on clearance at Answers in Genesis and the videos also were on sale.

All books, videos and supplies were either donated or on sale for at least 25% off. God's economy.

Between what was given and personal funds; all expenses covered!

Is our God awesome or what!?!

This trip is looking to be an exciting I'll be a part of a Sonship retreat Monday through Thursday going with Bible Bhavan Church and the staff of DBI. This is being run by our good friends from World Harvest London (Bob Heppe and company) and I get to help with the children/teens. FYI, in 2002, I had the privilege of going to Wales to help with New Life Masih Ghar Churches first ever retreat run by the same folks running this one and that retreat is where the Shaws and I really connected.

Now 7 years later, on my 7th trip to Delhi working with DBI, I get to be with them again. This time in India! Thank you Jesus!

We did will be doing three 2 day camps in local schools; a long time dream and huge answer to prayer. The children will go to school and instead of going from class to class will be going to different stations of our camp. The student count for this is just over 500; less than 10% know Jesus, including teachers. Teaching on Creation and training children how to use the Wordless Book.

Also am looking to teach in Sunday School and a few other special events.

Some specific prayer requests:

Safe travel to Newark Airport and no problems or surprises with luggage (Weight exact weight allowed; at least by my scale.)

Friday morning between 11 AM and noon should hit customs. Please pray for no problems. Have never had problems but never what to take that for granted. Not "sneaking" anything in but no matter what country you enter, there can be hassles and fees.

Pray for leg to hold up. Long flights can be challenging for it and it tends to get angry when I try and do too much.

Team Unity and for the love of Jesus to shine for all of us.

Hearts to be opened as we share His love.

Encouragement for the staff and workers both Indian and London.

Our Indian teens as they work and minster with us.

For the Lord to keep my heart tender,

Suitcases to hold up.

At this point, I don't have a seat assigned for tonights flight. Praying for an aisle seat or even 1st class; never flown that. But mostly pray for opportunities to share his love at airport and on flight.

No problems with malaria mosquitoes.

On the humorous side; I was told the weather is pleasant there right now. By June standards yes but the 10 day forecast is for mid to high 90's. Not exactly my idea of pleasant but saying that, it truly is pleasant and beyond when I'm there ministering with my dear brothers and sisters.

Please really pray with Holy Boldness. Pray for God to work as never before opening even more doors to minister.
Keep shining brightly for Him.
Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

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