Sunday, July 4, 2010

Last minute Zambia Needs

If anyone has any of the items below to donate for our children there, please contact me.

From Kathleen at the Village of Hope

In about a week you will be on your way to Zambia. As is usually the case, we need some things, and forgive me if I have mentioned them before. Also forgive this last minute notice. I have been extremely busy with teaching and the current volunteers here. If any one can bring these, we would be very appreciative.

Red pens for teachers to mark papers

Candles (and don’t forget flashlights. Electricity goes off many evenings.)

If anyone has a digital camera(s) they aren’t using, we could sure use it for school. It doesn’t have to be fancy or have lots of features. It is for teachers to take simple pictures on the projects we are working on.

I have a whole lot of hanging file folders, like you put in file drawers. What I need are those plastic things that slip into the top to make tabs so that you know what is in the file. They often come with little pieces of heavy weight paper that fit into the plastic tabs. Staples probably has them.

At our EC meeting today, we were discussing our boutique. This may be a difficult thing to find and maybe expensive. We could use a little machine like used clothing stores use, like Goodwill, to put prices on clothes. It has a piece of plastic that actually goes through the clothes with the price on one side. If anyone is able to get that with a whole bunch of the price tag things, that would be great.

On a personal note, if anyone is in Walmart in the magazine section, if you could get me a word puzzle variety magazine. They usually have all kinds of different word puzzles in them. Thanks!

Reminder, if anyone has old picture calendars, the Chimwemwe Ladies could use them.

I think I asked for this before, but pencils erasers, and individual pencil sharpeners. They often come in a bunch.

At our Dollar Store in Aberdeen they have a section of supplies for teachers. They have this “tape” with the alphabet – 36 alphabets in a little carton. They could be put on a desk or the top of a notebook since they have a sticky backing. I got some when I was home last but it is for cursive. So if anyone is in the Dollar Store and sees them for printing not cursive, that would be great. One pack would do it for now.

Ann Rachel asked if anyone could get some tools for “tooling” – paper curling. It would be great to have for the ladies making the beads. They are probably at JoAnn’s or Michael’s. Depending on the price we cold use 10-15 of them.

Sena put in a request for those little packets for making drinks with bottled water. So if anyone is able to get those it would be great.

Thank you so, so much. We are looking forward to all of you coming. Kathleen

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