Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Greetings Saints Around the World.

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragements.

Before we give an update on Matt, we would covet your prayers for our friend Dan Crowe's Uncle John. He will be going in for a radical procedure to remove and reconstruct his jaw due to oral cancer this morning. It will be a 10 to 12 hour operation, and they plan on keeping him heavily sedated for about 4 to 5 days while he heals. Please really bathe him in prayer.

The words we are hearing on Matt from all involved are, miraculous, amazing, incredible unbelievable and etc.

He was finally given water in the AM yesterday and food at lunch time. He still can't sit up or move to well. Helped move him to stretcher yesterday for more x-rays and there in not too many places on his body that aren't tender but Praise the Lord, as different doctors came in to talk to him; at this point, his neck will be immobilized for 6 to 8 weeks and his leg/knee the same.

As this is being written, no surgery is anticipated for any of his injuries, Everything, brain bleed to knee should heal naturally. Thank you Jesus.

Now, it will be a long and hard healing process and I understand there can be complications but no matter how things come down, we know God is Sovereign and have a God Confidence that He is with us.

Like Paul, we know no matter what comes our way, He will use it for His Glory and our prayer this morning is that God would indeed be glorified in all of this.

At this time, we have no update on Matt's left shoulder but continue to be thankful that He is still with us.

Words from police, doctors and EMT that visited. "He was hit hard" "crushed roof of car" "EMT just happened to be driving by and cared for Matt until we arrived" " best place to break your neck" very fortunate" "miraculously, no need for surgery"....

In other words, Godincidence after Godincidence.

There is no doubt God hears and answers prayers. In this case, for only reasons He knows, He protected Matt's body and continues to work miraculously.

As I close this update, pray as this progresses that Matt would really understand all God has done here and use this occurrence as an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with all he meets.

There are no words to use to describe our thanks to you for your prayers and continued prayers as we continue on this Great Adventure that the Lord has us on.

Please also bathe the woman who hit Matt and her family in prayer. Have no idea where they are at Spiritually but know they too need our prayers.

Please remember John in your prayers also.

Until Every Child Knows,
Big Jim
Matt. 19:14
James 1:27

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